Hundreds Of Safety Worker Deployed for Indonesia’s 2024 Presidential Discussion

According to Anies, the initial two aspects were currently facing troubles, leading to a reduction in democratic values.

Gibran went along with Prabowo to the discussion, and they departed from Prabowo’s house in Jakarta. Upon leaving his home, Prabowo took a minute to enable one of his fans, that recognized himself as being from Banyumas, to take a photo with him. Gibran Rakabuming Raka signed up with Prabowo in a white Alphard car as they headed to the debate venue.

Susatyo explained that the joint safety forces would certainly map out the areas around the KPU RI office. He noted that rings 2 and 3 would certainly incorporate the KPU RI workplace area, consisting of Hotel Indonesia Roundabout up to Taman Suropati. Ring 1 is the location where the governmental and vice-presidential prospects will be pointed.

The General Political Election Payment of the Republic of Indonesia (KPU RI) is readied to hold the very first argument of the 2024 Presidential Political Election on Tuesday, December 12, 2023, at 7:00 PM regional time. Pertaining to safety and security preparations for the evening, the Central Jakarta City Cops Principal, Commissioner General Susatyo Purnomo, specified that a total amount of 2,120 joint army and cops employees will certainly get on standby.

” Central Jakarta City Authorities, along with the City Jakarta Regional Cops, Jakarta Military Command, and the Jakarta Provincial Government, will certainly deploy a total amount of 2,120 workers. We will offer protection, beginning with Hotel Indonesia Roundabout to the Imam Bonjol Road and Taman Suropati,” said Commissioner General Susatyo Purnomo Condro at the kpu ( RI office in Central Jakarta on Tuesday (12/12/2023).

Susatyo described that the joint protection forces would draw up the areas around the KPU RI office. He noted that rings 2 and 3 would certainly include the KPU RI workplace location, consisting of Hotel Indonesia Roundabout as much as Taman Suropati. At the same time, ring 1 is the area where the presidential and vice-presidential candidates will certainly be stationed.

” Ring 1 will be secured by the police from the National Station House,” he included.

He believed that with the readiness of countless employees today, the first argument among the 2024 governmental prospects would certainly proceed efficiently.

” Insha’Allah (God ready), the activities this evening, with the harmony of all security forces, will run securely and smoothly,” Susatyo emphasized.

Starting at 7:00 PM

The first governmental dispute is scheduled to occur tonight at 7:00 PM regional time at the KPU RI workplace on Imam Bonjol Street, Jakarta.

The discussion will certainly last for 150 minutes, divided into a total of 6 sectors. In the first sector, each candidate, specifically Anies Baswedan, Prabowo Subianto, and Ganjar Pranowo, will certainly provide their in-depth vision and goals.

In the second to fifth sectors, each prospect will respond to concerns arbitrarily selected from those prepared by 11 panelists. During these sections, prospects are enabled to connect and react to each other’s solutions.

The final section, the 6th, is the closing statement. In this sector, the candidates will certainly be welcomed to make a closing declaration on today’s dispute motif: Regulation, Civil Rights, Administration, Anti-Corruption, and Reinforcing Democracy.

Airlangga stressed his steadfast confidence in Prabowo’s ability to do well in the discussion. He mentioned that Prabowo’s team was well-prepared, and he was not concerned regarding the debate’s effect on Prabowo-Gibran’s electability.

Rahmat emphasized that the essence of smart ballot exists in valuing distinctions and performing the election process harmoniously.

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Anna emphasized that citizens will elect in the very same way as at various other ballot stations by physically coming to the polling station to cast their tallies. There will be special assistance supplied.

[Video Clip Link: Prabowo Ushers In Debt Consolidation of Regional Campaign Group in West Java, with Ridwan Kamil as Chairman] Airlangga Hartarto is Positive that Prabowo will Master the Presidential Discussion Tonight

Ridwan Kamil, the Chairman of Prabowo-Gibran’s Regional Campaign Team (TKD) for West Java, revealed that he supplied input to Prabowo Subianto to prepare for the presidential dispute organized by the General Political Election Payment (KPU) on Tuesday night (12/12/2023). He expressed confidence that Prabowo would bring many shocks to tonight’s discussion.

Second, there will certainly be Regular Polling Stations (TPS Reguler) for Liponsos locals that did not have populace documents when they got in Liponsos. These individuals will be provided Surabaya IDs with their address at Liponsos Keputih.

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