Ganjar Pranowo Increases Person Rights Problem and Questions Prabowo’s Position in First Presidential Dispute

In his discussion, Prabowo stressed that he and his running mate, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, focus on legislation, human rights (PORK), federal government service renovation, anti-corruption initiatives, and the defense of all societal teams as highly vital. He mentioned, “We place regulation, HAM, government service renovation, anti-corruption, and the defense of all societal groups at the… Continue reading Ganjar Pranowo Increases Person Rights Problem and Questions Prabowo’s Position in First Presidential Dispute

Anies Baswedan Emphasizes Urgent Needs in Kalimantan Instead of IKN

” Our vision and goal are positioned at the top, and I understand that because my young people, I have vouched loyalty to Pancasila, the 19Constitution, and the founders of our country, that established a republic based upon the policy of legislation and preferred sovereignty. That has been my battle as much as this particular… Continue reading Anies Baswedan Emphasizes Urgent Needs in Kalimantan Instead of IKN

Prabowo and Anies Share Views in the 2024 Presidential Discussion

Prabowo Subianto’s Perspective: 1. Presidential prospect number two, Prabowo Subianto, took part in the initial discussion of the 2024 Presidential Election at the KPU RI office in Jakarta on Tuesday, December 12, 2023. 2. Throughout the argument, Prabowo was asked regarding his approach for fixing human legal rights (PORK) problems and conflicts in Papua. 3.… Continue reading Prabowo and Anies Share Views in the 2024 Presidential Discussion

Bawaslu Advises Alertness Throughout Election Campaigns and on Social Network

Supporters of presidential prospect Prabowo Subianto, who belong to the Mas Bowo Volunteers, proceed their initiatives to reinforce their voter base, specifically in West Java. This moment, they arranged a healthy and balanced stroll and dispersed vital products to those in need in Bogor Rule. He highlighted the importance of including teams such as women,… Continue reading Bawaslu Advises Alertness Throughout Election Campaigns and on Social Network

Anies Baswedan Goes Over Strengthening Democracy and Reforming Political Events

The moderator presented a question from the panelists, highlighting that one of the crucial pillars of freedom is political events. Public trust fund in political parties in Indonesia has consistently been low. The concern presented was, “What policies will you implement to change the administration of political parties?” To restore trust fund in political celebrations,… Continue reading Anies Baswedan Goes Over Strengthening Democracy and Reforming Political Events

Ganjar on Kanjuruhan and KM5I Am a Person That Never Thinks Twice, Decisive and StraightforwardPresidential prospect number Anies Baswedan, asked concerning the Kanjuruhan and KMtragedies to governmental prospect number Ganjar Pranowo.

Individually, the Chairman of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, revealed excellent confidence in Prabowo Subianto’s ability to master the initial presidential dispute arranged by the General Election Compensation (KPU) on the night of December 12, 2023. Paragraph 13: The Prabowo-Gibran National Project Team (TKN) introduced plans to hold a public watching event (“nobar”) for the… Continue reading Ganjar on Kanjuruhan and KM5I Am a Person That Never Thinks Twice, Decisive and StraightforwardPresidential prospect number Anies Baswedan, asked concerning the Kanjuruhan and KMtragedies to governmental prospect number Ganjar Pranowo.

Prabowo Protects Choice of Gibran as Running Mate, Highlights His Independence

He recounted his past actions when he attended the presidential commencements of his opponents, Joko Widodo, after shedding in the 2014 and 2019 governmental political elections, showing his commitment to the autonomous process. Presidential prospect number 3, Ganjar Pranowo, brought up the subject of human civil liberties (HAM) throughout the initial presidential dispute, guiding his… Continue reading Prabowo Protects Choice of Gibran as Running Mate, Highlights His Independence

Ganjar Pranowo Highlights Financial Investment as Trick to Task Development in First Presidential Argument

The first governmental dispute for the 2024 general political election has concluded. Each presidential prospect was provided the opportunity to make their last declarations. In his shutting declaration, governmental candidate number two, Prabowo Subianto, advised every person that Indonesia’s self-reliance was hard-earned. He stressed that heroes and founding numbers of the nation sacrificed to complimentary… Continue reading Ganjar Pranowo Highlights Financial Investment as Trick to Task Development in First Presidential Argument

Presidential Prospect Ganjar Pranowo Addresses Inaccurate Farmer and Plant Food Information

Ganjar Pranowo juga berbicara tentang pasangannya, Mahfud Md, yang mendengarkan aspirasi dari wilayah barat Indonesia. Mereka berdua berjanji untuk memberikan insentif bagi para expert agama di Aceh dengan tujuan untuk mengajarkan budi pekerti yang rukun. ” Our vision and objective are placed on top, and I understand that considering that my young people, I have… Continue reading Presidential Prospect Ganjar Pranowo Addresses Inaccurate Farmer and Plant Food Information

Anies Baswedan Highlights Disparity in Law Enforcement Throughout Presidential Debate

Additionally, Anies noted that when Muslim neighborhoods faced obstacles in getting permits for mosques because of objections from neighborhood citizens, he directly engaged with the neighborhoods and played a duty in promoting the issuance of the called for licenses. Given four mins to present his plan instructions pertaining to law enforcement, Anies stressed that a… Continue reading Anies Baswedan Highlights Disparity in Law Enforcement Throughout Presidential Debate