Great Masks For Halloween – The Mask Parade

As October 31st is fast approaching, everyone is busy be prepared for Halloween. Children are gearing up to do some trick or treat either at their neighborhood or even department stores. One requirement in attending these events is the costumes. Many people are thrilled and excited to show off their outfits. Halloween fancy dresses are… Continue reading Great Masks For Halloween – The Mask Parade

Halloween Costume Ideas For 2011 – Go Norse Young Man

Remember being a kid, and turning sticks into wands, or swords? Looking up at the clouds and seeing what “animals” you might find? Or turning that big box your parents new appliance came in, into a rocket ship, or secret hide away? Remember making mud pies and splashing in the rain puddles? That seems that… Continue reading Halloween Costume Ideas For 2011 – Go Norse Young Man

Furry Eyes 101: Creating Realistic Fursuit Eye Movements

Furry Eyes 101: Creating Realistic Fursuit Eye Movements When it comes to bringing life to your fursuit character, the subtleties of eye movements play an essential role. Imagine the impact of realistic, expressive eyes that captivate onlookers and truly embody the essence of your furry persona – bluey fursuit (wolf fursuit). However, achieving this level… Continue reading Furry Eyes 101: Creating Realistic Fursuit Eye Movements