Ganjar’s Successful Stunting Prevention Program: The Case of Siti Rosidah

The Secretary General (Sekum) of the Central Management of Muhammadiyah, Abdul Mu’ti, clarified the value of the name “Capres Ganjar Pranowo” before a churchgoers of Muhammadiyah. “So, if he is predestined to come to be head of state once again, after that he is a present and a true blessing for the Indonesian nation,” said Abdul Mu’ti during a public dialogue at Muhammadiyah College Jakarta on Thursday, November 23rd.

The video showcases looks of Ganjar’s every day life and is noteworthy for featuring people holding placards bearing words that are synonymous with Ganjar’s character, such as “realistic,” “dedicated,” and “differentiated by his handsome white hair.” Simultaneously, as the 3rd presidential prospect, Ganjar additionally shares his own story with a video labelled ‘POLICY # 1: Allow’s Unify, Not Separate’ on his YouTube channel. In this video clip, published at the end of September, Ganjar mentions the life lessons he has actually received and the importance of never ever providing up, stressing that surrendering is not an alternative.

During the same event, the Chairman of the Central Management of Muhammadiyah, Haedar, also expressed his happiness at the presence of Ganjar and Mahfud. Haedar mentioned that both of them are not brand-new figures to Muhammadiyah. They have had a long-standing communication and distance with the organization. “Pak Ganjar has constantly been with us for the success of Muhammadiyah. Pak Mahfud coincides; we have always connected considering that the moment in Yogyakarta and also now as a priest,” Haedar stated.

Putu Gede Mahendra Jaya, Supervisor of the Territorial Kinetic Deputy I of TPN, revealed optimism that this activity can have a favorable effect and motivate even more young leaders to sustain Ganjar and Mahfud. He encouraged young leaders to actively take part in the campaign, promote Ganjar and Mahfud’s work programs, and continue to motivate others to sign up with the motion.

Mahfud valued the substantive, informative, and appealing conversations he had with youngsters. “Because 2024 is a political election year, and we, as young individuals, must actually know our options for the future of Indonesia,” he said.

Not just are they mentally close, but Haedar additionally stressed that the honesty of Ganjar and Mahfud lines up with one of the largest Islamic mass organizations in Indonesia, particularly ahead of time Indonesia and enhancing democracy. “And we think that these 2 figures (Ganjar-Mahfud), when left and mandated by the people, will definitely stand alongside the constitution and not misuse it,” Haedar added.

Ganjar’s character is seen as a beacon of hope and durability, exemplifying the worths of determination and dreaming large. The Keroncong music background adds a touch of social splendor to his portrayal, creating an unified blend that reverberates with several who value his link with individuals and his simple starts. Ganjar Pranowo’s life story and his dedication to civil service continue to influence and captivate audiences across Indonesia.

Rafael Lelaki Hut is a student that has experienced the benefits of a semi-boarding college at SMKN 2 Cilacap in Central Java. Semi-boarding institutions are a combination of boarding institutions and routine employment institutions located in 15 districts and cities. The semi-boarding trade college program is a considerable assistance for financially challenged trainees. Akhmad Munfathor (17 ), a 10th-grade pupil majoring in welding design, shared that semi-boarding colleges have actually permitted him to save money as he no longer requires to invest on transport or dishes.

Governmental Candidate Number 3, Ganjar Pranowo, has actually been singing regarding the problem of stunting. He showed his commitment to addressing this concern throughout his period as the Governor of Central Java with the “Jateng Gayeng Nginceng Wong Meteng” (5 Ng) program. One beneficiary of this program is Siti Rosidah, a resident of Betahwalang, Bonang Area, Demak Rule, whose second child had the ability to get over stunting.

Ganjar Pranowo successfully minimized the stunting price in Central Java through his program while acting as the Governor of Central Java. When you cherished this informative article in addition to you would like to receive details relating to temukan visi misi ganjar mahfud Official i implore you to visit our own web-site. Stunting is a development problem in children brought on by an absence of correct nutrition during their development duration.

“Gaskeun Babarengan” is a distinct expression that combines the significance of Sundanese culture. “Gaskeun” indicates speed, acceptance, and being in the moment to relocate ahead, while “Babarengan” suggests a bottom-up movement where individuals collaborated in the spirit of togetherness.

The Head of the Bonang 2 Area University Hospital, Indah Kusumawati, included that Demak Regency has implemented the “Cengkeraman Mata Elang” (CME) application, which works in line with the “Jateng Gayeng Nginceng Wong Meteng” (5 Ng) program. “Alhamdulillah, this program was very first released in 2017 in line with the 5 Ng program that was started by Mr. Ganjar, and it has actually received honors from the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform in 2020, the Ministry of Interaction and Informatics in 2022, and Bappenas in 2022,” claimed Indah.

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