Ganjar Pranowo’s Encounters and Dedications Throughout the Campaign

Governmental prospect number 3, Ganjar Pranowo, questioned regarding the resolution of major civils rights offenses cases through an Ad Hoc Civil Rights Tribunal and the look for the sufferers. He made these remarks during the governmental argument for the 2024 political elections held at the KPU RI office in Jakarta on Tuesday, December 12, 2023.

At first, he noted 12 cases including severe human civil liberties violations. In addition, he pointed out that the Indonesian Parliament (DPR) had provided 4 referrals to the then-president in 2009, including the establishment of an Impromptu Human Being Rights Tribunal and locating targets of forced loss.

“If you remained in that setting, would certainly you develop a human legal rights tribunal and follow the DPR’s referrals? 2nd question, several mommies are waiting out there; can you aid in finding the location of the missing people so they can pay their aspects?” Ganjar asked Prabowo.

In feedback, Prabowo specified that the 2009 problem worrying the DPR’s referrals had actually currently been resolved by Mahfud MD, Ganjar’s running mate. The Chairman of Gerindra Celebration really felt that he had actually regularly reacted to questions regarding civils rights infractions that were constantly linked to him.

“This issue has actually been handled by your vice president (Mahfud MD). I have actually addressed it a number of times, every 5 years, when my ballot numbers go up, it gets asked once more,” Prabowo said.

“Do you know the data? You can ask the Regional Cops Principal (Kapolda), the number of people have gone missing in Jakarta this year? This year. Bodies have been uncovered just recently, and so forth, c’mon, Mr. Ganjar. I state that I highly support for human legal rights,” he continued.

Prabowo then pointed out former political detainees from the New Order era who currently support him. It deserves noting that a person of them, Budiman Sudjatmiko, has actually signed up with Prabowo-Gibran’s project.

“Actually, those that were once imprisoned, political detainees. They claimed I abducted them, today they get on my side, supporting me, my dear fellow compatriots. So, do not politicize the problem of human legal rights, in my viewpoint,” Prabowo remarked.

Unsatisfied with Prabowo’s response, Ganjar revealed his disappointment. He felt that Prabowo did not straight deal with the concerns he presented.

“Mr. Prabowo has unbelievable decisiveness, incredibly solid. Yet sadly, in these two answers, he lacked that decisiveness. Why do I say this? My concern was really one: if you end up being head of state, will you establish a human rights tribunal? The second question, can you find, show, and assist the households locate the missing individuals? Both of these were not responded to,” he claimed.

“If I may ask for, if I come to be president, I will resolve this. To make sure that in the context of the next governmental political election, this concern will certainly not resurface because the head of state is crucial and completes this work during my term,” Ganjar discussed.

Prabowo responded once again, challenging the notion that he was not firm in his position. He took into consideration Ganjar’s inquiries to be tendentious.

“I am company in maintaining human rights. The concern you asked is rather tendentious. Why are you asking me regarding the 13 missing out on individuals from that time? That’s tendentious, Mr. Ganjar. Your running companion has actually been managing this the whole time. If the decision is to establish an Ad Hoc Human Being Legal Rights Tribunal, we will certainly do it. There’s no trouble,” he responded.

“Initiatives,” Prabowo concluded.

Anies firmly rejected the advancement of IKN, primarily because he thinks it was a legal product that did not have comprehensive public discussion. He slammed the fact that conversations about IKN only happened after the legislation had been completed, causing a situation where critics of IKN are seen as resistance and advocates as pro-government.

Anies revealed dissatisfaction with the current circumstance where discussions only take place after regulations are passed, bring about polarized disputes in between supporters and challengers, instead of an extra inclusive and clear process.

In recap, Anies Baswedan redirected the discussion concerning the growth of the National Capital Region (IKN) in the direction of addressing pushing requirements in Kalimantan, stressing the value of public involvement in the decision-making process and the prioritization of tasks that straight benefit the population. He highlighted the demand for standardization in public services to guarantee transparency and liability.

Presidential candidate (Capres) Ganjar Pranowo mentioned that the scarcity of subsidized plant foods is not restricted to Central Java, refuting accusations made by Governmental prospect number 2, Prabowo Subianto, during the Presidential Argument. In the argument, Prabowo criticized the farmer card (kartu tani) plan executed by Ganjar Pranowo while he was working as the Governor of Central Java, asserting that it made it tough for farmers to access subsidized fertilizers.

In feedback to Prabowo’s searchings for, Governmental prospect number 3 made clear that the scarcity of subsidized fertilizers is not special to Central Java. He stated that this concern prevails in other areas of Indonesia also, such as Papua, North Sumatra, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), East Kalimantan, and despite having fuel. Ganjar stated, “However, for Mr. Prabowo, I must remind him that the scarcity of plant food is also occurring in Papua, North Sumatra, NTT, NTB, East Kalimantan, consisting of fuel.”

Is Ganjar’s statement concerning the scarcity of subsidized fertilizers not being limited to Central Java precise? Let’s fact-check this insurance claim.


In an article titled “Farmers in Garut Complain Regarding the Scarcity of Subsidized Fertilizers and Farmer Card Circulation,” released on the site on March 19, 2023, it was reported that a number of teams of farmers in Garut Rule, West Java, were dealing with difficulties in acquiring subsidized fertilizers. A member of the Regional People’s Representative Council (DPRD) of West Java, Deden Galih, discussed that in some locations of Garut Regency, farmers were finding it testing to access subsidized fertilizers, and when they might obtain them, it was often at high costs.

In this short article, Otong Wiranta, the Chairman of the Get In Touch With Farmers and Fishermen Empowerment (KTNA) of West Java, mentioned that the circulation of subsidized fertilizers was still facing different challenges in the area. Some of the challenges included farmers not being registered, and also registered farmers not being able to redeem subsidized fertilizers.

In a post entitled “Farmers in Katingan Kuala Complain About the Shortage of Subsidized Fertilizers,” published on the web site, it was reported that farmers in Bangun Jaya Town, Katingan Kuala Subdistrict, Katingan Regency, Central Kalimantan, were whining about the shortage of subsidized fertilizers and medications. Yuda Anwar, a participant of the Mekar Jaya Farmers Group in Bangun Jaya Town, specified that the deficiency of fertilizers and medicines had actually caused much less productive rice crops and had actually negatively impacted harvest returns. He discussed that numerous rice crops were wilting due to an absence of nutrients and were at risk to pest attacks.


Based on the fact-checking, Ganjar Pranowo’s declaration that the deficiency of subsidized plant foods is not limited to Central Java is exact. Reports from numerous areas in Indonesia, including West Java and Central Kalimantan, confirm that farmers have been encountering troubles in accessing subsidized fertilizers. This details opposes Prabowo Subianto’s insurance claim that the concern was unique to Central Java.

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