Fact-Checking: Hoaxes Surrounding Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) in regard to the 2024 Political elections

Head of state of the Republic of Indonesia’s sixth term, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY), has actually frequently been the topic of scams associated with the elections. Such false information can cause incorrect understandings.

The Liputan6.com fact-checking group has checked out several hoaxes bordering SBY in link to the 2024 political elections. Here is a collection of these scams:

Video Clip Alleging SBY Directed Votes for Presidential Candidates Number 1 (Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar): A video clip distributed on social media, declaring that SBY was routing individuals to vote for governmental candidates number 1, Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar (AMIN). The video showed SBY claiming, “vote for number one” while raising his index finger.

2. Picture of SBY and AHY Resting in Front of a Banner with “Koalisi Perubahan Nasib” (Union for Modification in Destiny) Written on It: A photo circulated on social networks showing SBY and Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) being in front of a banner with the words “Koalisi Perubahan Nasib.” The banner additionally had text that claimed, “Seeking a presidential candidate who requires a vice-presidential prospect. Get in touch with the Union for Adjustment in Fate.” The article indicated that SBY and AHY were forming a union. Liputan6.com’s fact-checking exposed that this was false.

Chain Message Declaring SBY Asked Jokowi to Acknowledge Loss in the Presidential Election: A chain message that mentioned SBY calling General Moeldoko to advise Head of state Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to acknowledge defeat in the presidential political election distributed on social media. Liputan6.com’s fact-checking found this claim to be false.

Liputan6.com’s fact-checking campaign aims to fight misinformation and educate the general public on media proficiency. They signed up with the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) on July 2, 2018, and are a partner of Facebook. They preserve their independence in performing fact-checks.

If you know concerning hoaxes that you would certainly like them to explore and confirm, you can call them using email at cekfakta.liputan6@kly.id. For faster feedbacks, you can likewise reach their WhatsApp chatbot for fact-checking at 0811-9787-670.

He noted that concerns pertaining to Prabowo’s past would inevitably occur, given that governmental political elections take place every five years. Natalius Pigai, a former Commissioner of the National Commission on Person Civil Liberty (Komnas HAM) from 2012 to 2017, asserted that Prabowo Subianto is not implicated in any accusations of human legal rights misuses. He highlighted that Prabowo’s name does not appear in the final thoughts pertaining to cases of human civil liberties infractions.

Pigai contended that accusations of Prabowo’s involvement in major human rights misuses are mainly politically encouraged, planned to acquire an advantage over political opponents.

Video Alleging SBY Directed Votes for Presidential Candidates Number 1 (Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar): A video clip distributed on social media, claiming that SBY was directing individuals to vote for governmental candidates number 1, Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar (AMIN). The video revealed SBY stating, “ballot for number one” while increasing his index finger. The message indicated that SBY and AHY were forming a coalition. Chain Message Asserting SBY Asked Jokowi to Acknowledge Loss in the Presidential Political election: A chain message that discussed SBY calling General Moeldoko to advise President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to recognize defeat in the presidential political election circulated on social media.

Governmental candidate number 2, Prabowo Subianto, offered his vision and goal throughout the 20Presidential Political election discussion. He revealed his lifelong dedication to Pancasila and the 19Constitution.

In his shutting statement, governmental candidate number 2, Prabowo Subianto, reminded everybody that Indonesia’s self-reliance was hard-earned. He stressed that heroes and founding numbers of the country compromised to totally free Indonesia from the grip of international nations. Prabowo specified that it’s important to bear in mind the long and tough struggle for self-reliance, marked by the altering trends of international injustice.

The National Project Group (TKN) of Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka has assembled a team of 98 protestors in prep work for the presidential argument carried out by the General Political Election Compensation (KPU) on Tuesday, December 12, 2023. The inaugural governmental dispute will focus on motifs such as legislation, civils rights, administration, anti-corruption initiatives, and strengthening democracy.

Nusron Wahid, the Assistant of TKN Prabowo-Gibran, exposed that the celebration of these 98 activists was triggered by one of the debate’s motifs, particularly human rights (PORK). He noted that questions regarding Prabowo’s past would inevitably occur, considered that governmental elections occur every five years. Nusron Wahid shared these insights during a press conference at the TKN Prabowo-Gibran Media Facility in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, on Monday, December 11, 2023.

Among the 98 activists, Budiman Sudjatmiko, Should you loved this informative article and you want to receive more info with regards to tanggal pemilu; www.Merdeka.Com, please visit our own webpage. that also acts as a Participant of the Expert Council for TKN Prabowo-Gibran, emphasized that problems associated with occasions from 25 years ago have been dealt with both politically and legally. Budiman cleared up that politically, Prabowo formerly offered as the vice-presidential prospect together with Megawati during the 2009 election, signifying that existing competitors in the democratic procedure have actually currently recognized there are no political concerns with Prabowo.

Additionally, Budiman clarified that Prabowo has actually two times joined governmental political elections, indicating that he has been lawfully identified within the electoral system. He insisted that Prabowo is fit for the role, with no legal evidence recommending criminal involvement. Therefore, he highlighted that Prabowo has actually been component of the democratic process for 25 years, both traditionally and in the here and now.

During the event, Budiman likewise revealed the factors for supporting the Prabowo-Gibran ticket. He revealed the idea that Prabowo-Gibran represents the connection and enhancement of the success of the previous 25 years. He emphasized the need for unity, especially in the face of raising obstacles, as they jointly strive to accomplish their duties to the nation and history.

Natalius Pigai, a former Commissioner of the National Compensation on Human Legal Right (Komnas HAM) from 2012 to 2017, asserted that Prabowo Subianto is not implicated in any kind of allegations of human rights misuses. Pigai made this statement after assessing Komnas pork’s examination searchings for. He highlighted that Prabowo’s name does not appear in the conclusions concerning cases of human civil liberties violations.

Pigai clarified that neither Ganjar Pranowo neither Anies Baswedan’s names appear in the checklist of presumed human rights lawbreakers. Thus, he insisted that all presidential prospects in the 2024 election are clear of accusations associated with human rights offenses. Pigai characterized any kind of claims against Prabowo as verbal violence, hate speech, and disrespect.

Pigai contended that complaints of Prabowo’s involvement in major human rights abuses are largely politically motivated, planned to get a benefit over political opponents. He highlighted that Komnas HAM is the single organization constitutionally equipped to carry out investigations right into civils rights infractions. According to Pigai, the outcomes of Komnas pork’s inquiries consist of no reference of Prabowo Subianto.

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