North Koreans – The Illegal Immigrants

We took another interview 8 months later. Here, the point is whenever you try for Green Card, you have a need to obtain temporary work permit and emigration (traveling out of US) and re-entry permit for working and even traveling to outside My family. Since they expire in every 12 months and needed to re-apply… Continue reading North Koreans – The Illegal Immigrants

The Case For Legal Immigration

Before deciding whether the EB-5 Program is most effective option, you may want to consider other visa classes. There are nonimmigrant visa categories that provide work important. These visas require a sponsor who may ultimately sponsor you for a natural card. For example, you may find that looking for an L-1A nonimmigrant visa in addition… Continue reading The Case For Legal Immigration

Immigration To America

Last week MarkWayne Mullin (U.S. Congressman – District 2) spoke at the Okemah Historical Society. He spoke within the need to subordinate party to culture. He went to Washington to represent his constituents (all of us), and help solve problems, not instigate office. There are others in Congress like him for both sides on the… Continue reading Immigration To America

Immigration – Heated Problem

This just what we common folk acknowledge. We understand that if a single us makes $10.00 an hour and our illegal counterpart makes $10.00 a hour, at no more the week, one persons takes home around $315 and the other one persons takes home $400. Certain interpretation involved that while our adult visitors go ahead… Continue reading Immigration – Heated Problem

Top Immigration Law Firm Debunks 5 Most Common F-1 Student Visa Myths

Once the visa is issued, the Thai national could now fly to US. Only one must be aware that a visa is truly a guarantee of entry for the country. The immigration officer at north america Port of Entry provides the authority to deny entrance of a us tourist visa holder if deemed called for.… Continue reading Top Immigration Law Firm Debunks 5 Most Common F-1 Student Visa Myths