Anies Baswedan Highlights Disparity in Law Enforcement Throughout Presidential Debate

Additionally, Anies noted that when Muslim neighborhoods faced obstacles in getting permits for mosques because of objections from neighborhood citizens, he directly engaged with the neighborhoods and played a duty in promoting the issuance of the called for licenses.

Given four mins to present his plan instructions pertaining to law enforcement, Anies stressed that a president should be capable of achieving lawful justice for all Indonesians. He stated, “Regulation is a device to accomplish state objectives, not the individual objectives of leaders. Anies admitted that he picked to rest before the first discussion, spending an unwinded night at his residence.

Selain itu, Ganjar Pranowo juga berjanji untuk menyediakan akses pendidikan yang baik agar masyarakat dapat memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup untuk mengembangkan daerah mereka sendiri, sehingga mereka dapat kembali dan membangun daerahnya.

Pendeta Leo, yang juga dikenal sebagai Pendeta Leonard Batfeny, dalam dialog yang digelar di Desa Waninggap Nanggo, Merauke, menceritakan pengalamannya dalam membantu warga yang sedang sakit, termasuk pernah membantu seorang ibu yang akan melahirkan karena tidak ada akses kesehatan yang memadai. Ia belajar dari sumber-sumber online, termasuk melalui YouTube, untuk dapat memberikan pertolongan dalam situasi tersebut.

” DKI (Jakarta) commonly gets the highest possible air pollution index in the world. Prabowo inquired.

When pollutants from power plants circulation into Jakarta, the city registers high air pollution degrees. When pollution relocates to Lampung or Sumatra, there are no tracking gadgets there,” Anies clarified.

We boost what is not best, and we are dedicated to abiding by the regulation itself,” Prabowo replied.

Anies highlighted that throughout his time as the guv, he encountered countless pending authorization applications for churches that had been stationary for 30-40 years. He insisted that his management successfully solved these issues. He additionally mentioned that various religious teams, consisting of Buddhists, Hindus, and Christians, faced troubles in obtaining authorizations to develop areas of praise, and his management promoted the issuance of these licenses.

Pernyataan ini telah dikonfirmasi sebagai kenyataan yang benar berdasarkan sumber yang tertera dalam artikel “Kampanye Perdana di Merauke Pendeta Leo Curhat Layanan Kesehatan Minim, Ganjar Pranowo Luncurkan Program Satu Desa Satu Faskes” yang diterbitkan pada 29 November 2023 oleh

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On the night of Tuesday, December 12, 2023, presidential candidate second, Prabowo Subianto, participated in the first presidential argument for the 2024 political election at the General Election Commission (KPU) office in Menteng, Jakarta. Throughout this occasion, Prabowo participated in an argument with presidential prospect leading, Anies Baswedan, relating to air pollution in Jakarta.

Prabowo seized the possibility to posture a question to Anies, that served as the former Governor of Jakarta, concerning the severe air contamination in the resources city.

” DKI (Jakarta) usually obtains the highest air pollution index in the globe. How is it that with a budget plan of Rp80 trillion, Mr. Anies could not do something significant to minimize contamination?” Prabowo made inquiries.

Anies reacted by discussing the visibility of air contamination surveillance devices in Jakarta. He highlighted that when air pollution originates from within the city, it remains regularly high– today, tomorrow, or the following week.

Air pollution does not have an ID card, and the wind doesn’t have an ID card. When contaminants from power plants flow into Jakarta, the city signs up high pollution degrees. When pollution moves to Lampung or Sumatra, there are no monitoring tools there,” Anies cleared up.

Anies proceeded to lay out the procedures taken to attend to air pollution, including exhausts regulate from motor vehicles, the electrification of mass transit, and the conversion of public lorries.

” In the past, there were 350,000 daily travelers on public transportation; now, there are 1 million everyday passengers. We have actually been functioning on this to tackle pollution in Jakarta,” Anies responded.

Prabowo provided his viewpoint on Anies’s answer, sharing complication over Anies’s tendency to connect air pollution in Jakarta to the wind.

” It’s testing when we criticize the wind. If we criticize the wind and rainfall, maybe we don’t require a government,” Prabowo mentioned.

Prabowo’s Reaction to Ganjar’s Concern Pertaining to the Constitutional Court’s Decision on the Presidential Candidate Age Limit

Governmental prospect number three, Ganjar Pranowo, positioned a question to presidential candidate second, Prabowo Subianto, relating to the Constitutional Court’s decision on the age limitation for governmental and vice-presidential candidates. Right here is Prabowo’s feedback during the very first governmental argument for the 2024 election held at the General Political Election Commission (KPU) office in Menteng, Jakarta, on Tuesday, December 12, 2023.

I have to ask this inquiry. Ganjar asked.

Prabowo was approved the chance to react to Ganjar’s question.

“Relating To the Constitutional Court, the guidelines are clear. We enhance what is not excellent, and we are dedicated to abiding by the law itself,” Prabowo replied.

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